Visit The Arvind Store and discover a collection featuring Linen that looks and feels cool. Whether it’s a formal occasion or a fun evening out with friends, get the temperatures soaring with a cool linen ensemble. Shop for Rs 2999 and get 30% off on tailoring services. T&C Apply
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Visit The Arvind Store and discover a collection featuring Linen that looks and feels cool. Whether it’s a formal occasion or a fun evening out with friends, get the temperatures soaring with a cool linen ensemble. Shop for Rs 2999 and get 30% off on tailoring services. T&C Apply #dapper #instafashion #gentlemanstyle #dappertradition #featuremenfashion #fashionaddict #dappered #menoffashion #fashionformen #mensfashionreview #manterest #fitoftheday #gentlemanwithstyle #styleoftheday #dapperedmen #love #mensfashionpost #tailoring #gentleman #bespoke
May 21, 2016