Fancy winning shopping vouchers worth Rs 2500 Participate in and follow these simple steps 1 Post a picture wearing your favourite outfit and tell us why is it special to you using 2 Ask you friends to vote for your entry by liking it 3 Most voted entry gets a chance to win

ContestAlert-, LoveForFashion, LoveForFashion, fashionstyle, fashionapparel, style, trendyclothes, trendylook, loveforfashion, mensfashion, menscollection

The Arvind Store,  ContestAlert-, LoveForFashion, LoveForFashion, fashionstyle, fashionapparel, style, trendyclothes, trendylook, loveforfashion, mensfashion, menscollection

#ContestAlert- Fancy winning shopping vouchers worth Rs 2500? Participate in #LoveForFashion and follow these simple steps.
1. Post a picture wearing your favourite outfit and tell us why is it special to you using #LoveForFashion
2 Ask you friends to vote for your entry by liking it
3. Most voted entry gets a chance to win

#fashionstyle #fashionapparel #style #trendyclothes #trendylook #loveforfashion #mensfashion #menscollection

#ContestAlert- Fancy winning shopping vouchers worth Rs 2500? Participate in #LoveForFashion and follow these simple steps. 1. Post a picture wearing your favourite outfit and tell us why is it special to you using #LoveForFashion 2 Ask you friends to vote for your entry by liking it 3. Most voted entry gets a chance to win #fashionstyle #fashionapparel #style #trendyclothes #trendylook #loveforfashion #mensfashion #menscollection

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